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This article will be discussing this, and will show you the functions that it has which will help you have the best training possible. For passionate runners, Timex runners watch is a must-have tool. There are a lot of features included in Timex runners watch that will surely make your training more intense. The heart rate monitor, speed monitor, distance monitor, countdown timer, and stopwatch timer are some of the most important features that you can get from a Timex runners watch. If you are wondering why these features are very important; then you should continue reading.

If you are wondering why these features are very important; then you should continue reading. The heart rate monitor is a tool that will help you monitor the beat of your heart. There are a lot of athletes who are not allowed to overexert themselves while training. But you cannot simply forget about your training just because you are not allowed to overexert yourself. This is where the heart rate monitor takes place. This will help you keep track of your heart rate easily, and will let you know if you have done enough training for the day.

This will help you keep track of your heart rate easily, and will let you know if you have done enough training for the day. The speed and distance measurer will help you determine if youre overall performance is improving. This will show you how long you can finish a particular lap or segment. This will also help you determine the parts where you need more training. Finally the timers can be used to get your accurate speed for each segment and lap. We all know that people are born different and that we have different weaknesses in every lap.
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Par jimgreen0027 le dimanche 20 mars 2011


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